DK vs UCB Head to Head (Last 0 Match)

Total Match DK Won UCB Won NR
0 0 0 0

Danubian Kangaroos Team Player's Recent Batting/Bowling Form

Player Mat Runs Wkt ECO SR
Gabor Torok 10 128 9 8.65 164.1
Zoltan Marosy 10 94 0 3.7 118.99
Adam Gall 10 34 13 12.67 89.47
Arthur Edwards 10 11 10 10.35 47.83
Gabor Nagy 10 0 0 0 0
Matty Ainsworth 10 167 8 12.1 130.47
Robi Ainsworth 10 256 3 15.25 185.51
Tom Wayman 9 83 0 6.48 148.21
Charlie Inglis 8 2 0 0 66.67
Leo Bloomfield 5 10 0 1.2 71.43
Jay Koulaouzos 5 5 0 0 71.43
Istvan Szabo 3 1 0 0 33.33
Krisztian Hajdu 3 0 1 11.67 0
Pramod Sharma 2 0 0 0 0
Rick Yang 2 0 0 9.5 0
Nishantha Liyanage 1 2 1 15 40
Paul Ainsworth 1 0 0 0 0
Benedek Barat 1 0 0 0 0

United Csalad Budapest Team Player's Recent Batting/Bowling Form

Player Mat Runs Wkt ECO SR
Ajithkumar Murugesan 10 0 5 7.05 0
Ghulam Abbas-II 10 3 9 10.53 60
Jayanth Babu 10 17 4 10.5 94.44
Ravichandran Rajendran 10 23 3 3.35 85.19
Jack Murrell 10 48 0 0 177.78
Sabbavarapu Madhu 10 57 0 0 93.44
Anil Pattanaik 10 64 0 0 145.45
Mueez Ul Hassan 10 143 4 8.9 226.98
Ali Nawaz 10 169 8 12.75 219.48
Mark Des Fontaine 10 217 3 9.1 212.75
Kasir Sayeem 10 219 5 8.35 260.71
Vinoth Ravindran 10 328 7 12.7 300.92
Ashrith Darapureddy 10 353 12 5.3 206.43
Manohar Boddu 7 0 6 5.5 0
Shakir Ullah 4 6 1 13.25 46.15
Loysten Sebastian 4 8 0 0 100
Shoaib Mohammad 2 0 0 0 0
Kumarasamy Velmurugan 1 0 0 0 0

DK players record against UCB in their last ten matches.

DK players Playing the first match against UCB

UCB players record against DK in their last ten matches.

UCB players Playing the first match against DK

Danubian Kangaroos Team player Stats at GB Oval, Szodliget, Hungary.

Player Mat Runs Wkt ECO SR
Gabor Torok 10 128 9 8.65 164.1
Zoltan Marosy 10 94 0 3.7 118.99
Adam Gall 10 34 13 12.67 89.47
Arthur Edwards 10 11 10 10.35 47.83
Gabor Nagy 10 0 0 0 0
Matty Ainsworth 10 167 8 12.1 130.47
Robi Ainsworth 10 256 3 15.25 185.51
Tom Wayman 9 83 0 6.48 148.21
Charlie Inglis 8 2 0 0 66.67
Leo Bloomfield 5 10 0 1.2 71.43
Jay Koulaouzos 5 5 0 0 71.43
Istvan Szabo 3 1 0 0 33.33
Krisztian Hajdu 3 0 1 11.67 0
Pramod Sharma 2 0 0 0 0
Rick Yang 2 0 0 9.5 0
Nishantha Liyanage 1 2 1 15 40
Paul Ainsworth 1 0 0 0 0
Benedek Barat 1 0 0 0 0

United Csalad Budapest Team player stats at GB Oval, Szodliget, Hungary

Player Mat Runs Wkt ECO SR
Anil Pattanaik 10 64 0 0 145.45
Jack Murrell 10 48 0 0 177.78
Vinoth Ravindran 10 328 7 12.7 300.92
Ashrith Darapureddy 10 353 12 5.3 206.43
Sabbavarapu Madhu 10 57 0 0 93.44
Mueez Ul Hassan 10 143 4 8.9 226.98
Mark Des Fontaine 10 217 3 9.1 212.75
Ghulam Abbas-II 10 3 9 10.53 60
Ravichandran Rajendran 10 23 3 3.35 85.19
Ajithkumar Murugesan 10 0 5 7.05 0
Ali Nawaz 10 169 8 12.75 219.48
Jayanth Babu 10 17 4 10.5 94.44
Kasir Sayeem 10 219 5 8.35 260.71
Manohar Boddu 7 0 6 5.5 0
Loysten Sebastian 4 8 0 0 100
Shakir Ullah 4 6 1 13.25 46.15
Shoaib Mohammad 2 0 0 0 0
Kumarasamy Velmurugan 1 0 0 0 0