DCC vs DK Head to Head (Last 0 Match)

Total Match DCC Won DK Won NR
0 0 0 0

Dunabogdanu CC Team Player's Recent Batting/Bowling Form

Dunabogdanu CC Team Playing Their First Match

Danubian Kangaroos Team Player's Recent Batting/Bowling Form

Player Mat Runs Wkt ECO SR
Adam Gall 5 1 5 15.44 14.29
Arthur Edwards 5 9 4 10.7 75
Gabor Nagy 5 0 0 0 0
Gabor Torok 5 101 3 7.5 190.57
Leo Bloomfield 5 10 0 1.2 71.43
Matty Ainsworth 5 45 4 15 128.57
Robi Ainsworth 5 151 3 11 201.33
Tom Wayman 5 39 0 4.2 156
Zoltan Marosy 5 65 0 7.4 132.65
Charlie Inglis 3 0 0 0 0
Jay Koulaouzos 2 0 0 0 0
Pramod Sharma 2 0 0 0 0
Benedek Barat 1 0 0 0 0
Istvan Szabo 1 0 0 0 0
Nishantha Liyanage 1 2 1 15 40

DCC players record against DK in their last ten matches.

Dunabogdanu CC Team Playing Their First Match Against DK

DK players record against DCC in their last ten matches.

DK Team Playing Their First Match Against DCC

Dunabogdanu CC Team player Stats at GB Oval, Szodliget, Hungary.

The Dunabogdanu CC Team is playing their first match at this venue.

Danubian Kangaroos Team player stats at GB Oval, Szodliget, Hungary

Player Mat Runs Wkt ECO SR
Gabor Torok 5 101 3 7.5 190.57
Zoltan Marosy 5 65 0 7.4 132.65
Leo Bloomfield 5 10 0 1.2 71.43
Adam Gall 5 1 5 15.44 14.29
Tom Wayman 5 39 0 4.2 156
Arthur Edwards 5 9 4 10.7 75
Gabor Nagy 5 0 0 0 0
Matty Ainsworth 5 45 4 15 128.57
Robi Ainsworth 5 151 3 11 201.33
Charlie Inglis 3 0 0 0 0
Pramod Sharma 2 0 0 0 0
Jay Koulaouzos 2 0 0 0 0
Nishantha Liyanage 1 2 1 15 40
Istvan Szabo 1 0 0 0 0
Benedek Barat 1 0 0 0 0