REA vs DK Head to Head (Last 0 Match)

Total Match REA Won DK Won NR
0 0 0 0

Royal Eagles Team Player's Recent Batting/Bowling Form

Player Mat Runs Wkt ECO SR
Sami Ullah 10 13 9 12.3 86.67
Anup Gupta 10 34 5 13.72 103.03
Ajay Jaiswal 10 39 2 11.8 130
Gaurang Talreja 10 83 0 3.4 125.76
Sheraz Dilbar 10 156 0 0 175.28
Sachin Chauhan 10 190 0 2.8 155.74
Emad Khan 10 258 4 9.9 198.46
Arvind Kumar 9 99 6 14.5 167.8
Fayaz Khan 8 74 0 0 125.42
Deepu Divan 7 6 1 10.69 50
Aswin Sasi 7 10 10 12.79 90.91
Swaroop Gowda 5 19 0 4 111.76
Rebin George 4 0 2 14.12 0
Alden Pinto 4 1 3 16.12 33.33
Yoganathan Velusamy 4 2 0 0 22.22
Sumit Chauhan 4 36 0 0 87.8
Amir Mahmood 3 27 0 0 180
Bibek Singh 2 0 1 12 0
Hemanth Perumal 2 0 1 5.75 0
Abu Zar 2 6 0 20.32 200
Venkatachalapathi Palanivel 2 6 0 13.5 100
Avinash Puthran 2 22 1 13.5 244.44
Dananjaya Godagama 1 0 0 0 0
Upendra Singh 1 0 0 29 0
Amaljith Jayakumar 1 4 0 0 133.33

Danubian Kangaroos Team Player's Recent Batting/Bowling Form

Player Mat Runs Wkt ECO SR
Gabor Torok 10 128 9 8.65 164.1
Zoltan Marosy 10 94 0 3.7 118.99
Adam Gall 10 34 13 12.67 89.47
Arthur Edwards 10 11 10 10.35 47.83
Gabor Nagy 10 0 0 0 0
Matty Ainsworth 10 167 8 12.1 130.47
Robi Ainsworth 10 256 3 15.25 185.51
Tom Wayman 9 83 0 6.48 148.21
Charlie Inglis 8 2 0 0 66.67
Leo Bloomfield 5 10 0 1.2 71.43
Jay Koulaouzos 5 5 0 0 71.43
Istvan Szabo 3 1 0 0 33.33
Krisztian Hajdu 3 0 1 11.67 0
Pramod Sharma 2 0 0 0 0
Rick Yang 2 0 0 9.5 0
Nishantha Liyanage 1 2 1 15 40
Paul Ainsworth 1 0 0 0 0
Benedek Barat 1 0 0 0 0

REA players record against DK in their last ten matches.

REA players Playing the first match against DK

DK players record against REA in their last ten matches.

DK players Playing the first match against REA

Royal Eagles Team player Stats at GB Oval, Szodliget, Hungary.

Player Mat Runs Wkt ECO SR
Sachin Chauhan 10 190 0 2.8 155.74
Sami Ullah 10 13 9 12.3 86.67
Anup Gupta 10 34 5 13.72 103.03
Emad Khan 10 258 4 9.9 198.46
Gaurang Talreja 10 83 0 3.4 125.76
Ajay Jaiswal 10 39 2 11.8 130
Sheraz Dilbar 10 156 0 0 175.28
Arvind Kumar 9 99 6 14.5 167.8
Fayaz Khan 8 74 0 0 125.42
Aswin Sasi 7 10 10 12.79 90.91
Deepu Divan 7 6 1 10.69 50
Swaroop Gowda 5 19 0 4 111.76
Rebin George 4 0 2 14.12 0
Alden Pinto 4 1 3 16.12 33.33
Sumit Chauhan 4 36 0 0 87.8
Yoganathan Velusamy 4 2 0 0 22.22
Amir Mahmood 3 27 0 0 180
Abu Zar 2 6 0 20.32 200
Bibek Singh 2 0 1 12 0
Hemanth Perumal 2 0 1 5.75 0
Venkatachalapathi Palanivel 2 6 0 13.5 100
Avinash Puthran 2 22 1 13.5 244.44
Upendra Singh 1 0 0 29 0
Dananjaya Godagama 1 0 0 0 0
Amaljith Jayakumar 1 4 0 0 133.33

Danubian Kangaroos Team player stats at GB Oval, Szodliget, Hungary

Player Mat Runs Wkt ECO SR
Gabor Torok 10 128 9 8.65 164.1
Zoltan Marosy 10 94 0 3.7 118.99
Adam Gall 10 34 13 12.67 89.47
Arthur Edwards 10 11 10 10.35 47.83
Gabor Nagy 10 0 0 0 0
Matty Ainsworth 10 167 8 12.1 130.47
Robi Ainsworth 10 256 3 15.25 185.51
Tom Wayman 9 83 0 6.48 148.21
Charlie Inglis 8 2 0 0 66.67
Leo Bloomfield 5 10 0 1.2 71.43
Jay Koulaouzos 5 5 0 0 71.43
Istvan Szabo 3 1 0 0 33.33
Krisztian Hajdu 3 0 1 11.67 0
Pramod Sharma 2 0 0 0 0
Rick Yang 2 0 0 9.5 0
Nishantha Liyanage 1 2 1 15 40
Paul Ainsworth 1 0 0 0 0
Benedek Barat 1 0 0 0 0