SOB-W vs TRT-W Head to Head (Last 4 Match)

Total Match SOB-W Won TRT-W Won NR
4 4 0 0

SOB-W vs TRT-W Player Stats - Southern Brave (Women) Team Player's Recent Batting/Bowling records

Players Avg. Pts Match Run Wkt Avg. Eco Avg. SR
Danielle Wyatt 591 10 394 0 0.48 138.25
Georgia Adams 482 10 128 8 7.38 115.32
Lauren Bell 426 10 16 12 7.26 123.08
Maia Bouchier 349 10 198 0 0 133.78
Chloe Tryon 298 10 105 4 7.37 117.98
Lauren Cheatle 264 6 4 6 5.47 66.67
Smriti Mandhana 245 10 130 0 0 117.12
Freya Kemp 245 10 127 1 3.84 129.59
Kalea Moore 214 9 1 5 5.81 50
Tilly Corteen Coleman 201 6 1 6 7.87 25
Rhianna Southby 149 10 20 0 0 64.52
Charli Knott 99 3 32 1 9.07 80
Mary Taylor 93 2 0 3 6.42 0
Naomi Dattani 62 6 29 0 0 80.56

SOB-W vs TRT-W Player Stats - Trent Rockets (Women) Team Player's Recent Batting/Bowling records

Players Avg. Pts Match Run Wkt Avg. Eco Avg. SR
Natalie Sciver 710 10 372 4 3.85 148.8
Heather Graham 676 10 179 12 6.19 152.99
Bryony Smith 460 10 244 3 4.26 141.04
Alana King 374 10 27 9 6.43 142.11
Kirstie Gordon 353 10 1 10 7.35 100
Ashleigh Gardner 300 5 95 5 8.6 123.38
Alexa Stonehouse 244 10 16 5 6.7 228.57
Grace Scrivens 159 5 102 0 0 117.24
Natasha Wraith 116 5 45 0 0 128.57
Katie George 38 5 8 0 2.4 50
Josie Groves 20 5 0 0 0 0
Grace Potts 12 3 0 0 9.27 0
Cassidy McCarthy 8 2 0 0 8.7 0

SOB-W vs TRT-W Player Battle – SOB-W Players record against TRT-W in their last ten matches.

Players Avg. Pts Match Run Wkt Avg. Eco Avg. SR
Georgia Adams 227 3 39 5 5.17 150
Smriti Mandhana 204 4 128 0 0 160
Lauren Bell 204 3 0 6 5.42 0
Maia Bouchier 143 4 78 0 0 141.82
Danielle Wyatt 131 4 70 0 0 111.11
Mary Taylor 89 1 0 3 4.5 0
Chloe Tryon 43 1 23 0 4.75 230
Freya Kemp 37 3 7 0 4.33 70
Rhianna Southby 18 1 0 0 0 0
Kalea Moore 10 1 0 0 0 0

SOB-W vs TRT-W Player Battle – TRT-W Players record against SOB-W in their last ten matches.

Players Avg. Pts Match Run Wkt Avg. Eco Avg. SR
Natalie Sciver 353 4 184 3 6.52 146.03
Bryony Smith 126 3 16 4 8.39 94.12
Alana King 47 3 11 1 8.5 84.62
Heather Graham 36 1 24 0 5.5 141.18
Kirstie Gordon 35 1 0 1 4.25 0
Alexa Stonehouse 12 1 0 0 9 0

Southern Brave (Women) (SOB-W) player records at The Rose Bowl, Southampton

Players Avg. Pts Match Run Wkt Avg. Eco Avg. SR
Danielle Wyatt 597 10 368 1 1 139.39
Georgia Adams 446 7 85 10 7.68 134.92
Smriti Mandhana 431 8 271 0 0 138.97
Lauren Bell 431 10 0 13 5.92 0
Maia Bouchier 345 10 180 0 0 129.5
Chloe Tryon 197 6 57 3 6.92 142.5
Rhianna Southby 108 6 0 0 0 0
Freya Kemp 100 7 49 0 2.31 136.11
Charli Knott 94 2 31 1 9.7 83.78
Kalea Moore 78 4 0 2 5.56 0
Tilly Corteen Coleman 47 2 0 1 9.15 0
Lauren Cheatle 39 2 0 1 8.52 0
Naomi Dattani 16 2 7 0 0 175

Trent Rockets (Women) (TRT-W) player records at The Rose Bowl, Southampton

Players Avg. Pts Match Run Wkt Avg. Eco Avg. SR
Natalie Sciver 15 1 19 0 12.5 63.33
Bryony Smith 2 1 0 0 7.33 0
Alana King 1 1 1 0 11.5 33.33